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Case 3: EGO

Case Eichenhof


Southern part of Lower Saxony.

Region: Osnabrücker Land

Number of farms

Contracted farmers in 2009:

- 170 piglet producers

(about 520.000 piglets)

- 308 pig fatteners

(about 475.000 pigs)

Self-sufficiency Self-sufficiency in Germany is 107.8% for pork meat Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV)
Number of pigs slaughtered

Number of pigs slaughtered in Germany: 56 million in 2009 (Statistisches Bundesambt, 2010)

Number of pigs slaughtered in the EGO (2009): over 510,000 pigs

Import of living pigs Piglet imports in Germany amount to over 10 million (see ZDS, 2010)
Export of living pigs Number of living pigs exported from Germany in 2009: 3.1 million (Statistisches Bundesambt, 2010)
Export of pork meat

Amount of pork meat exported from Germany in 2009: 1,85 million ton Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV)


Consumption per head

Consumption in 2009: 39 kg pork meat per head

(see previous link)

Consumer channels Main market channels for EGO are butcheries and retail
Products EGO produces mainly fresh meat (50.000 ton kg. in 2007) under a private label (Eichenhof)
Food safety measures

Besides EU and national regulation, EGO has to comply with the Eichenhof standard, consisting of regulations for feed, health monitoring, regular farm inspections, etc., as well as HACCP in slaughtering and processing.

The basic requirement for EGO is compliance to the QS (Qualität und Sicherheit) scheme.