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Further reading

Acito, F. & Hustad, T.P. (1981): Industrial product concept testing. Industrial Marketing Management 10, 157-164.

Berry, L.L., Seiders, K. & Grewal, D. (2002): Understanding service convenience. Journal of Marketing 66, 1-17.

Booz, E., Allen, J. & Hamilton, C. (1982): New Product Management for the 1980s. Booz, Allen & Hamilton: New York, NY.

Blokhuis, H.J., Keeling, L.J., Gavinelli, A. & Serratosa, J. (2008): Animal welfare's impact on the food chain. Trends in Food Science & Technology 19, S79-S87.

Cooper, R.G. (1990): Stage-Gate systems: a new tool for managing new products. Business Horizons 33, 44-55.

Cooper, R.G. (2008): Perspective: the Stage-Gate(r) idea-to-launch process - update, what's new, and NexGen systems. Journal of Product Innovation Management 25, 213-232.

Cooper, R.G. (2009): How companies are reinventing their idea-to-launch methodologies. Research Technology Management 52, 47-57.

Cooper, R.G., & de Brentani, U. (1984): Criteria for Screening New Industrial Products. Industrial Marketing Management 13, 149-156.

Crawford, M. & Di Benedetto, A. (2008): New Products Management (9th edn). McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA.

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2006): Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental issues and options.

Fraser, D. (2008): Toward a global perspective on farm animal welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 113(4), 330-339.

Fredriksen, B., Font i Furnols, M., Lundström, K., Migdal, W., Prunier, A., Tuyttens, F.A. M. & Bonneau, M. (2009): Practice on castration of piglets in Europe. Animal 3(11), 1480-1487.

von Hippel, E. (1998): Lead Users: A Source of Novel Product Concepts. Management Science 32(7), 791-805.

ICC (2003): ICC Framework for Responsible Food and Beverage Marketing Communication. International Chamber of Commerce. Document 240-46/332

Jackson, P.W. & Messick, S. (1964): Die Person, das Produktion und die Reaktion: Begriffliche Probleme bei der Bestimmung von Kreativität. In G. Ulmann (1970). Kreativität. Kiepenheuer & Witsch: Cologne.

Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V. & Saunders, J. (2008): Principles of Marketing (5th European edn). Prentice Hall: Harlow.

Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2009): Marketing Management (13th edn). Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Lawless, H.T. & Heymann, H. (1999): Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and Practices. Chapman & Hall: New York, NY.

Lees, G., & Wright, M. (2004): The Effect of Concept Formulation on Concept Test Scores. Journal of Product Innovation Management 21, 389-400.

Linnemann, A.R., Benner, M., Verkerk, R. & van Boekel, M.A.J.S (2006): Consumer-driven food product development. Trends in Food Science & Technology 17, 184-190.

Mumford, M.D. & Gustafson, S.B. (1988): Creativity syndrome: integration, application, and innovation. Psychological Bulletin 103(1), 27-43.

Page, A.L. & Rosenbaum, H.F. (1992): Developing an effective concept testing program for consumer durables. Journal of Innovation Management 9(4), 267-277.

Peng, L. & Finn, A. (2008): Concept testing: the state of contemporary practice. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 26(6), 649-674.

Rudder, A., Ainsworth, P. & Holgate, D. (2001): New food product development: strategies for success? British Food Journal 103(9), 657-670.

Schuler, H. & Görlich, Y. (2007): Kreativität: Ursachen, Messung, Förderung und Umsetzung in Innovation. Hogrefe: Göttingen.

Schuler, H., Winzen, J., Gelléri, P. & Görlich, Y. (2008): Testing the creativity process: construct relations and occupational occurrence. Presented at the 23rd Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA (April 10-12).

Song, X.M. & Montoya-Weiss, M.M. (1998): Critical development activities for really new versus incremental products. Journal of Innovation Management 15, 124-135.

Steenkamp, J-B.E.M. (1990): Conceptual model of the quality perception process. Journal of Business Research 21, 309-333.

Steenkamp, J.-B.E.M. & van Trijp, H.C.M. (1996): Quality guidance: a consumer-based approach to food quality improvement using partial least squares. European Review of Agricultural Economics 23(2), 195-215.

Tauber, E.M. (1981) Brand franchise extension: new product benefits from existing brand names. Business Horizons 24(2), 36-41.

Trott, P. (2008): Innovation Management and New Product Development (4th edn). Pearson Education Limited: Harlow.

Tzokas, N., Hultink, E.J. & Hart, S. (2004): Navigating the new product development process. Industrial Marketing Management 33, 619-626.

Ulrich, K.T. & Eppinger, S.D. (2008): Product Design and Development (4th edn). Irwin/McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA.

Urban, G.L., & Hauser, J.R. (1993): Design and marketing of new products (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Vriens, M., Loosschilder, G.H., Rosbergen, E. & Wittink, D.R. (1998): Verbal versus realistic pictorial representations in conjoint analysis with design attributes. Journal of Product Innovation Management 25, 455-467.

Wallas, G. (1926). The art of thought. In P.E. Vernon (ed.), Creativity (pp. 91-97).

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Yale, L. & Venkatesh, A. (1986): Towards the construct of convenience in consumer research. Advances in Consumer Research 13(1), 403-409.