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Business example: Mission

VION Food Group aims to fulfil the needs and wishes of consumers with high-quality foodstuffs and ingredients, made from natural materials of agricultural origin. VION Food Group operates a business culture in which the individual's own responsibility, entrepreneurship and commitment in respect of the organization as a whole are encouraged. This results in an innovative corporate culture and environment, aimed at providing continuity and prospects for all involved. VION products and services must meet the highest safety and quality standards in order to safeguard human and animal health. VION Food Group demands commitment and motivation from its employees and offers a sound and competitive personnel policy.

VION Food Group aims for sustainability throughout the entire chain. Concern for the environment and animal health are fundamental principles. Animal welfare receives continuous attention. VION will earn the respect of, and enter into a sustainable relationship with, its stakeholders by listening to and fulfilling their needs and expectations. (Source: