Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Objectives:
    2. Learning goals
    3. Teacher page
  2. Section 1: Salt and Human Health
    1. Sodium and human physiology
    2. Trends in salt consumption
    3. Dietary salt as a health hazard
    4. Epidemiological studies
    5. High blood pressure
    6. Stroke
    7. Death from cardiovascular disease
    8. Osteoporosis
    9. Stomach cancer
    10. References
  3. Section 2: Salt Content of Pig-meat Products
    1. Salt concentration in different pig-meat products
    2. Low-salt products in Europe
    3. Comparisons between various processed products
    4. References
  4. Section 3: Science of salt in pig products
    1. From muscle to meat
    2. Effect of salt content on chemical and physical properties and implications for organoleptic properties
    3. Problems related to meat pH
    4. Effect of salt content on microbiological properties in processed meat products
    5. Consequences of reducing salt content
    6. References
  5. Section 4 Low-salt Pig Meat Formulations
    1. General points to consider when manufacturing processed pork
    2. Balancing low salt with substitutes, enhancers and alternatives
    3. Effect of low sodium on eating quality, shelf-life and functional properties
    4. Optimum concentrations
    5. Cooked sausages
    6. Frankfurters
    7. Dry fermented sausage
    8. Ground patties
    9. Dry-cured ham
    10. Restructured meats (wet cured ham)
    11. Bacon
    12. Novel approaches in product formulation
    13. Other approaches
    14. Conclusions
    15. References
  6. Discussion
  7. Glossary
  8. Completion
    2. Self assessment
    3. Evaluation
  9. Acknowledgment