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Section 4 Low-salt Pig Meat Formulations

So far you have seen the effects of eating too much salt on human health and you have also considered the effects of salt content on the organoleptic, microbiological, chemical and physical proprieties of pig-meat products.

Activity 4.1

To help you revise the work you have done in previous sections of this LR, answer the following questions:

1 List the main effects that salt might have on human health.

2 List the effects that salt has on organoleptic, microbiological, chemical and physical properties of pig-meat products.

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As you might expect, deciding how to reduce salt in pig-meat products whilst maintaining its benefits is not straightforward, and this is a challenge in today's meat industry. There no single ingredient that can substitute for all salt effects. Several substitutes and approaches have been developed or tested during recent years. Those that have received the most attention are:

- lowering the level of sodium chloride added

- replacing all or part of the sodium chloride with other chloride salts (such as potassium chloride, calcium chloride)

- replacing part of the sodium chloride with non-chloride salts (such as phosphates and lactate)

- lowering or replacing part of the sodium chloride and adding hydrocolloids (such as carrageenan) or protein (such as soy)

- using packaging technology (such as vacuum packs and modified-atmosphere packaging)

- using new processing techniques (such as high-pressure processing)

- a combination of any of the above approaches.

Activity 4.2

Based on what you already know, can you think how each approach works when used instead of salt? List the possible advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

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