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For employees in industry (5 notional study hours; equivalent to 0,25 ECTS):

  • Read about Salmonella and the reasons that it is so important
  • Read the information about Salmonella in pig farms
  • Read about the most important type of control measures
  • Summarize your thoughts on what you have learnt from the text and videos and comment on the practical implications in your organization. Post your summary on the Comments page
  • Do the self-assessment
  • Read the key messages.

For students in higher education (20 notional study hours; equivalent to 1 ECTS):

  • Read about human salmonellosis and its connections with the pig farms
  • Read about how Salmonella is introduced in a pig farm, the results it may have and the ways to be diagnosed
  • Read the most relevant EFSA reports regarding the information on Salmonella and be aware of the national monitoring program of the country that you live/work.
  • Read about the different control strategies against Salmonella in pig farms
  • Write an article to a pig production magazine and post it on the Comments page. The article should in 300 words summarize your opinions on salmonella control in the light of what you have learnt
  • Add at least five new definitions in our wiki (on the platform)
  • Do the self-assessment
  • Read the key messages.