Bibliography and Useful websites
Alarcon, P., Velasova, M., Mastin, A., Nevel, A., Stark, K.D.C., Wieland, B., 2011, Farm level risk factors associated with severity of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome. Preventive Veterinary Medicine in press.
Alarcon, P., Velasova, M., Werling, D., Stark, K.D.C., Chang, Y., Nevel, A., Pfeiffer, D., Wieland, B., 2011, Assessment and quantification of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome severity at farm level. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 98, 19-28.
Calsamiglia, M., Fraile, L., Espinal, A., Cuxart, A., Seminati, C., Martin, M., Mateu, E., Domingo, M., Segales, J., 2007, Sow porcine circuvirus type 2 (PCV2) status effect on litter mortality in postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. Research in Veterinary Science 82, 299-304.
Cho, J.G., Dee, S., 2006, Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Theriogenology 66, 655-662.
Cho, J.G., Dee, S., Dee, J., Trincado, C., Fano, E., Jiang, Y., Faaberg, K., Murtaugh, M.P., Guedes, A., Collins, J.E., Joo, H.S., 2006, The impact of animal age, bacterial coinfection and isolate pathogenicity on the shedding of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in aerosols from experimentally infected pigs. The Canadean Journal of Veterinary Research 70, 297-301.
Dee, S., J., C., Halbur, P., Keffaber, K., Lautner, B., M., M., Polson, D., Rodibaugh, M., Sanford, E., Yeske, P., 1996, Control of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus. Swine Health and Production 4, 95-98.
Dee, S., Otake, S., Dee, J., 2010, Use of production region model to assess the efficacy of various air filtration systems for preventing airborne transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: Results from a 2-year study. Virus Research 154, 177-184.
Dee, S., Spronk, G., Reicks, D., Ruen, P., Deen, J., 2011, Further assessment of air filtration for preventing PRRS infection in large breeding pig herds. Veterinary Record 167, 976-977.
Editorial, 2010, Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: An update on an emerging and re-emerging viral disease of swine. Virus Research 154, 1-6.
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2005, The probability of transmission of Porcine
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Jacobs, A.C., Hermann, J.R., Munoz-Zanzi, C., Prickett, J.R., Roof, M.B., Yoon, K., Zimmerman, J., 2010, Stability of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus at ambient temperatures. Journal of Vet Diagnosis Investigation 22, 257-260.
Kristensen, C.S., Baadsgaard, N.P., Toft, N., 2011, A meta-analysis comparing the effect of PCV2 vaccines on average daily weight gain and mortality rate in pigs from weaning to slaughter. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 98, 250-258.
Lunney, J.K., Benfield, D.A., Rowland, R.R.R., 2010, Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: An update on an emerging and re-emerging viral disease of swine. Virus Research 154, 1-6.
Madec, F., Rose, N., Grasland, B., Cariolet, R., Jestin, A., 2008, Post-Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome and Other PCV2-Related Problems in Pigs: a 12-Year Experience. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 55, 273-283.
Marquer, P. 2010. Pig farming in the EU, a changing sector. In Agriculture and fisheries commission, E., ed.
Murtaugh, M.P., Stadejek, T., Abrahante, J.E., Lam, T.T.Y., Leung, F.C.C., 2010, The ever-expanding diversity of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Virus Research 154, 18-30.
Opriessnig, T., Patterson, A.R., Madson, D.M., Pal, N., Rothschild, M., Kuhar, D., Lunney, J.K., Juhan, N.M., Meng, X.J., Halbur, P., 2009, Difference in severity of porcine circovirus type two-induced pathological lesions between Landrace and Pietrain pigs. Journal of Animal Science 87, 1582-1590.
Patterson, A.R., Opriessnig, T., 2010, Epidemiology and horizontal transmission of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV"). Animal Health Research Reviews 11, 217-234.
Pitkin, A., Dee, J., Dee, S., 2009, Use of a production region model to assess the airborne spread of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Veterinary Microbiology 136, 1-7.
Rose, N., Larour, G., Le Diguerher, G., Eveno, E., Jolly, J.P., Blanchard, P., Oger, A., Le Dimma, M., Jestin, A., Madec, F., 2003, Risk factors for porcine post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in 149 French farrow-to-finish herds Preventive Veterinary Medicine 61, 209-225.
Thanawongnuwech, R., Suradhat, S., 2010, Taming PRRSV: Revisiting the control strategies ens vaccine design. Virus Research 154, 133-140.
The Merck Veterinary Manual. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome: Introduction August 2011)
The Merck Veterinary Manual. Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome: Introduction
(accessed August 2011)
Wallgren, P., 2010, PMWS in Sweden from an exotic to an endemic disease. The Pig Journal 63, 12-19.
Wieland, B., Alarcon, P., Velasova, M., Nevel, A., Towrie, H., Pfeiffer, D., Wathers, C., Werling, D., 2010, Prevalence of endemic pig diseases in England: An overview six months into a large scale cross sectional study on Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). The Pig Journal 63, 20-24.