Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Objectives
    2. Learning goals
    3. Teacher page
  2. Course content: Life cycle assessment (LCA) of pork chains
    1. What are the environmental impact of food production?
    2. Global warming
    3. GWP of different foods
    4. Nutrient enrichment (eutrophication)
    5. Acidification
  3. How to access environmental impact of pork?
    1. LCA of 1 kg Danish Pork
    2. What is included in a LCA?
    3. Phase 1
    4. Phase 2
    5. Phase 3
    6. Phase 4
    7. System expansion and allocation
  4. LCA for different production Systems
    1. The Danish standard system
    2. The Danish organic system
    3. The French standard system
    4. The Alternative French system: Porc Basque
    5. Summary of performance and LCA in the four systems
  5. Completion
    2. Self-assessment
    3. Key messages
    4. Further reading and references
    5. Evaluation
    6. Acknowledgement