Piglet Production  -  Finishing

Product information exchange

Process information exchange

Planning information exchange

Information system used

  • Information about the genetic is known for every delivery partie.
  • PRRS and salmonella status of piglets are determined by a regular monitoring. On demand this information is given to the pig fattener.   (In January 2011 the monitoring is added by a monitoring on dysentery.)
  • Piglets are earmarked with a coloured clip. For every birth week a different coulor is used. Consequently the pig fattener can track the birth week of the pigs.


  • Information about treatments and vaccination are entered in the register. On demand this information is provided to the pig fattener. Withdrawal times must be added on every delivery note.
  • Feeding information are given to the pig fattener on demand.
  • EGO works with a ”Piglet-quality-fax”: 4 weeks after piglet delivery the pig fattener has the possiblity to send a fax with information about piglet losses, his piglet evaluation as well as further  comments to the EGO. This piglet evaluation is added on the accounts of piglet producer and pig fattener for half a year.
  • Information about the vaccination program, parasite program, the health situation as well as production data is entered in ITBS (integrated livestock supervision system)-protocols. On demand these protocols can be send to the pig fattener


Fax, telephone, internet and paper (depending on the information)


