Breeding organization/breeders |
For each batch of new-born piglets information about progeny is recorded, birth defects, number of teeth, birth weights.
Fertility traits of sows are recorded: gestation length, litter size, number of piglets born, number of still-born piglets.
Potential breeding boars undergo DNA tests, to determine progeny and detect mutations.
Information is used, together with information the company obtains from farrowing and finishing farms (see section on information exchange), in the selection process for the breeding animals and breeding farms. |
Feed intake is measured at individual level using feed intake registration stations.
Ultrasonic scanners are used to measure muscle thickness.
Feed intake combined with growth data and related traits, is used to determine feed conversion.
Health related information about the animals includes data about indicators for 6 types of diseases (e.g. PRRS, Mycoplasma) as well as information about vaccination schemes.
Information is used, together with information the breeding organisation obtains from farrowing and finishing farms (see section on information exchange), in the selection process for the breeding animals and breeding farms. |
Farm data is sent electronically via EDI to the central database of the breeding company every 7-14 days. Data of individual animals is compared with the rest of the population by means of statistical software.
Breeders use automated sow management system (e.g. Pigmanager).
Health related information is accessible to the breeding organisation and breeders through the website of the GD (the public Animal Health Service Centre). |